Ana Guerreiro Stücklin, Prof., MD PhD
- 01.03.2021: SNF-Professorin für Pädiatrische Neuroonkologie UZH
- Forschungsgebiet: Pädiatrische Neuroonkologie
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1998 - 2004 | Medical School University of Porto, Portugal |
2005 - 2008 |
MD PhD Program an der University of Zurich, Switzerland |
2008 - 2013 | FMH Pediatrics, University Children's Hospital Zurich, Switzerland |
2013 - 2018 |
Clinical and Research Fellow, Division of Haematology/Oncology, The Hospital for Sick Children, Labatt Brain Tumor Research Centre, University of Toronto, Canada |
2018 - 2020 | Pediatric Oncologist and Junior Group Leader, University Children’s Hospital Zurich, Switzerland |
March 2021 | SNSF Eccellenza professorial fellowship |
Wissenschaftliche Arbeit versus andere Berufstätigkeit: Weshalb haben Sie sich für die Wissenschaft entschieden?
At the very beginning, curiosity was the spark: I enjoyed learning about new things and science offered an endless world to explore. Later on, on top of that, I started seeing science and research as a way to search for solutions to clinical problems.
Was gefällt Ihnen an Ihrer Arbeit und was ist das Besondere dabei?
I enjoy taking a larger question by diving down into the details, to find the pieces that are missing. And then use that to ask new questions – and so on and so forth, pushing the boundaries of knowledge.
Gab es in Ihrer Karriere besonders prägende Durststrecken oder Misserfolge? Wie überwanden Sie diese?
There are always bumps along the way… In those moments, recognizing a difficult time as something transient (and focusing on the long-term goal) has always helped me to keep going. I find it helpful to critically reflect on those times and, whenever possible, transform failures into learning opportunities.
Welche Person / welche Institution hat Sie in Ihrem beruflichen Umfeld am stärksten unterstützt?
Both at the University Children’s Hospital Zurich (“Kispi”) and at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto I was surrounded by an amazing group of people, that both supported and inspired me.
Hatten Sie (besondere weibliche) Vorbilder, die Ihren Werdegang beeinflusst haben? Welche?
I had and still have several extraordinary role models, both at a personal and a professional level. The most valuable ones were those who showed me, that the best way to grow is to become more yourself, rather than trying to be someone that you are not.
Welche Massnahmen ergreifen Sie als Professorin, um den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (insbesondere Frauen) an Ihrem Institut zu fördern?
I find it important to “demystify” the idea of a scientific career and to encourage junior colleagues to put their talents at work and follow their ambitions. More than giving directions, I like to help clear the way ahead, so that they have the time and space to develop their own ideas.
Welche Tipps geben Sie einer Jungforscherin auf den Weg, die eine akademische Karriere ins Auge fasst?
Find something that you are passionate about - and then work hard. Being in a supportive team will get you substantial momentum (and makes work more rewarding) but self-motivation has to be the main drive.
Ist es aus Ihrer Sicht eine Herausforderung die Balance zwischen Forschung/der praktischen Arbeit in der Klink und der Familie/dem Privatleben zu halten? Wie gehen Sie damit um?
It is challenging but I am not alone. I am very fortunate to be surrounded, both in the clinic and well as in the research lab, by teams of very talented people. I know I can rely on them to stay the course on their side, as I attend to the various priorities. I see my work as a vocation, which by necessity infringes on my personal life at times. So, I cherish every free moment and family time is precious.