Esther Bastiaannet, Prof. Dr. med.
- Seit 01.05.2021: Assistenzprofessorin mit Tenure Track für Krebsepidemiologie UZH
- Forschungsgebiert: Krebsepidemiologie
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Health Sciences, Wageningen University, Netherlands | |
2012 |
Dissertation: University of Groningen, Diagnosis and treatment of melanoma patients with lymph node metastases |
Postdoc: Geriatric Oncology, Leiden University Medical Center | |
May 2021 |
Leiden University Zürich University |
Wissenschaftliche Arbeit versus andere Berufstätigkeit: Weshalb haben Sie sich für die Wissenschaft entschieden?
Understanding complex health issues has always fascinated me; I like to think about the methodological and statistical puzzles we encounter in health sciences and see that knowledge from several groups around the world solve a part of the puzzle or raise new questions driving the scientific field further.
Was gefällt Ihnen an Ihrer Arbeit und was ist das Besondere dabei?
Having the possibility to explore new research questions and challenges in geriatric oncology. Besides that, I think that the variety and freedom in academic research is a privilege.
Gab es in Ihrer Karriere besonders prägende Durststrecken oder Misserfolge? Wie überwanden Sie diese?
Yes, I think it happens in almost every career. Important is to evaluate the situation, talk to colleagues and try to learn from the challenges.
Welche Person / welche Institution hat Sie in Ihrem beruflichen Umfeld am stärksten unterstützt?
There are many, but working in an interdisciplinary team in Leiden has supported me a lot; working with other scientists from geriatrics, surgery, medical oncology, epidemiology and statistics, pathology and geriatric psychiatry has taught me different approaches to challenges in geriatric oncology. Second, I had the chance to perform some research at the cancer senior adult department in Florida, which has taught me to see things from another perspective than the European vision.
Hatten Sie (besondere weibliche) Vorbilder, die Ihren Werdegang beeinflusst haben? Welche?
Yes, several, but one in particular. Her curiosity, commitment to science, being able to actually sit down and discuss every part of research has inspired me a lot.
Welche Massnahmen ergreifen Sie als Professorin, um den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (insbesondere Frauen) an Ihrem Institut zu fördern?
Persons showing an interest to pursue an academic research career need to be encouraged as much as possible, and we should try to pave their path so that at least the first steps are as smooth as possible. Next to that, it is also encouraging to see interest in research grow in students, and we should encourage this as well.
Welche Tipps geben Sie einer Jungforscherin auf den Weg, die eine akademische Karriere ins Auge fasst?
Just do it! I would encourage young female scientist as much as possible, tell them that most of the challenges can be tackled in a good team, and if she is motivated to solve puzzles, there is always a way to have a wonderful scientific career.
Ist es aus Ihrer Sicht eine Herausforderung die Balance zwischen Forschung/der praktischen Arbeit in der Klink und der Familie/dem Privatleben zu halten? Wie gehen Sie damit um?
On some busy work days (if you have a deadline for example), it can be a challenge, but if you have a supportive family and a supportive team at work, you can overcome these challenges and keep the balance between both.